03 noviembre 2020

English 5th A & B



Good morning everyone! How was your Halloween celebration? I hope you had a very spooky day! Today you have Assignment 10. Hoy trabajaremos con los conectores AND (la "y" en español) / BUT (el "pero" en español). Usamos estos conectores para que las oraciones y los parrafos nos queden mas bonitos al escribir. Supongamos que yo tengo estas dos oraciones:

  • I like football. I like tennis.

Seguramente podemos unirlas para que se forme una sola, y haremos esto usando AND. Entonces nos quedaria algo asi:

  • I like football AND tennis.

Ahora supongamos que tengo estas dos oraciones:

  • I like football. I don´t like tennis.

Puedo unirlas con un AND? La respues es NO. Lo ideal es unirlas con el BUT (el "pero" en español). Entonces me quedaria algo asi:

  • I like football BUT I don´t like tennis.

En la assignatura que subi a Edmodo tienen que completar las oraciones con AND o BUT dependiendo de cada caso. Haganlo en un documento nuevo y me lo adjuntar a la entrega.

Debajo dejo una copia para los que la envian al correo del grado.

Good luck everyone!! Miss Irene



Using andorbut change these phrases into one sentence;

A dog can run. A dog can bark. _______________________________________________________

A penguin is a bird. A penguin can’t fly.________________________________________________

A Lion is strong. A Lion is dangerous._________________________________________________

A cat is soft. A cat is cute.___________________________________________________________

The cow lives on the farm. The cow gives us milk.


The snake is poisonous. There are none in our city.


I can run. I can’t fly __________________________________________________________________

Yusuf speaks English. He speaks Spanish. _____________________________________________

I want to buy bread. I want to buy milk.________________________________________________

This car is very nice. This car is expensive. 

Using and orbut fill in the blanks;

At school I learn English________ French, ___________ not Spanish.

My friends are called John ___________  James, ________ they are not in my class.

I have two sisters ________ no brothers.

We like to play football, basketball ________ tennis, _______ not gymnastics.

She did study, _______ she didn’t pass the exam.

In winter, I have to wear a warm hat _______ gloves.

I don’t like shopping __________ I went with my friends.

Sara can’t swim ________ she went to the pool.

I like burgers________ fries, ____________ I don’t like hotdogs.

My little brother can walk _________ talk, __________ he can’t read.

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