22 septiembre 2020


Good morning everyone!

Today you have Assignment 5 ready in Edmodo. If you have any doubts, please write me, ok? 

Hoy tienen el Assignment 5 listo en Edmodo. Si tienen alguna duda, por favor escribanme, ok? Debajo copio el trabajo a realizar por si alguno todavia tiene algun inconveniente por Edmodo.


Miss Irene


Amazing animals!




Look at these creatures. Do you know them? Write the correct name for each one.

A:                                                      B:                                                  C:


1-     Octopus

2-     Army ant

3-     Polar bear


Now, watch the following videos from the National Geographic website about these creatures.










Once you are done with the videos, answer these True or False activity.


1-     The Giant Pacific Octopus loves to eat crabs. ____

2-     In all its body, it has a total of 280 suction cups. ____

3-     It can also change colors to blend in. ____

4-     The Army Ants are found in the tropical rainforests. ____

5-     In their colony, ants have different jobs. ____

6-     Ants don´t care about the queen ant. ____

7-     Polar bears are found in the arctic. ____

8-     They are an endangered species. ____


Choose one of these creatures and describe it in one paragraph.


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