29 septiembre 2020



Good morning kids!
This last Sunday 27th was the "Right to Play Day" declared by the City Government of Buenos Aires. So, today you are getting an assignment full of games!
Enjoy it!!
La Ciudad de Buenos Aires instituyo que el dia 27 de septiembre sea el dia del Derecho a Jugar de los niños. Por este motivo, esta asignacion esta llena de juegos! A disfrutar! Esta lista en Edmodo y tambien aqui debajo.

Miss Irene




5to grado


Elephants come from Africa and Asia. They are one of the biggest mammals in the world. They eat a lot.


Los elefantes son originarios de África y Asia. Son unos de los mamíferos más grandes del mundo. Comen muchísimo.


This elephant has eaten tons of words. Can you write them in the correct place? There are four words in each column.


Este elefante ha comido toneladas de palabras. ¿Podés escribirlas en el lugar correcto? Hay cuatro palabras en cada columna.
































Now choose three words and make sentences.


Ahora elige tres palabras y arma oraciones.














Honey is at home with her family and friends. Let´s go on a Safari to the African plain.



1- First, we can make a pair of binoculars. Use any elements you have at home.


Ahora que Honey llegó a su hogar les proponemos ir de Safari a conocer a los animales que viven con ella en África. Empecemos armando binoculares con los elementos que tenemos en casa.


Elements                                                                   Decoration elements





2-    What animals can you see in the African plain? Write them down.


Escribe los animales que ves.












3- Let´s read and guess!


Leamos y adivinemos


a)    Oh my God! This is really a big cat. It´s the King of the jungle. It can roar and hunt other animals but now it can also enjoy family life.



b)  A tall lady with a long neck and spots in her dress is watching us from behind the lake.


It´s a __ __ __ __ __ __ __


b)   Next to a tree, I can see an animal with black and white stripes. It looks like a horse but it is not a horse. You can´t ride on it.


It´s a __ __ __ __ __


d)  This animal is scary. It has got a big mouth and sharp teeth. It has got small eyes and ears. It has got a fat body but be careful because it can swim very well.


It´s a __ __ __ __ __


4)  Can you help me complete the following riddle about the biggest animal in the African plain? Completa esta adivinanza.


-Use these words (run-fat-has-big-strong-tall-is-got)


It is very ____ and ____. It __ grey. It has a ___ nose called trunk


and ___ears. It __ ___ small eyes. It has got a very good memory, too. It likes eating leaves from the trees. It can walk and ___ and it´s very difficult to jump over it!


It´s an __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __


5)  Can you see the animal on a tree? Create your own riddle and describe it.


Describe al animal que se encuentra en el árbol.








It´s a __ __ __ __ __ __ __





Now Honey has a message for you. Can you find it?


Honey tiene un mensaje para vos. ¿Podés descubrirlo?












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