20 octubre 2020



Good morning kids!!

Today you have assignment 8 in Edmodo.

Hoy tienen la asignacion 8 lista para hacer en Edmodo. De todas formas lo copio debajo.

Si tienen alguna duda, escribanme.

Good luck!

Miss Irene


What do you eat?













Read and answer True or False

-          The teddy bear is in a sandwich ______

-          The teddy bear´s head is rice ______

-          The teddy bear is sleeping ______

-          There aren´t any vegetables in this lunch ______

-          There are two stars in this lunch ______


Put these words in the correct sentence





-          We want fruit. Let´s eat an ________

-          In my lunch box, I have got green ________

-          Do you ________ some rice?

-          Dad has got a chicken ________

-          Apples and oranges are ________

-          I put my food in my ________

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